I tend to hoard sunscreen, and as a result have about five different ones in my cabinet at any time, but this last winter this was the one I reached for over and over. This moisturizer is made with zinc oxide and has an SPF 30, but it doesn't make your face white. Ever. Not even for a second when you first put it on. And it works (though perhaps too well, I was just diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency and am now taking supplements)! Finally, it left my face awesomely smooth and clear, and was pleasant to put on.
It may be a little heavy for summer, but during the winter it was perfect for keeping my face well-hydrated and protected from the elements. It's also admittedly pricey, but I used this tiny jar daily for about four months before I ran out.
The sunscreen has an environmental working group score of 1! Good UVB protection, excellent UVA protection and sunscreen stability.
Available for purchase at Sanre's website.